Global Packaging Engineering Company

Domain : Packaging Machinery

Geography(ies) : India

Key Business Challenges

Complete reliance on Spreadsheets and Emails.
Capturing timesheets and expenses was ad hoc and inaccurate.
Billing to parent organization based on tiered rate structure.
Inaccurate management information reporting.
Communication conflicts between team members working on projects.
Difficulties integrating with Tally Accounting Software with FX conversion.

TouchBase Solution

Modules Implemented

Project Management Resource Management Project Financials Project Procurement
Project Meetings Project Documentation

Systems Integration

Tally Accounting Software

TouchBase Business Impact

Completely digitized timesheets, billing, and invoicing.
Automated invoicing with parent organization and vendors.
Tally integration is seamless.
Accurate cashflow management.
100% project visibility led to better decision-making.
100% MIS data integrity.